Monday, October 18, 2010

Pondering my Provider

Today, I woke up with the mother of all headaches, I tried to endure, but by 10am I was done. So I gave in and took a sick day. I came home and slept for about 4 hours straight, just to wake up and find that the headache was still there. I made myself eat lunch, then took some more drugs - thank the Lord for Ibuprofen - and went back to sleep. I finally woke up at 3:30 without a headache. I admire people who suffer migraines, I don't know how you deal with the pain, because I'm pretty sure mine paled in comparison.

Tonight as I was baking cupcakes for a bake sale tomorrow, my mom called to chat and shared with me how God is working in the life of a family member, how a job was provided just when it was needed. Then as I was sitting and waiting, I began to read a little of my book, One in a Million by Priscilla Shrier. The section I was reading was called $500 Stories. How appropriate after the conversation I had with my mom. She told a story about her parents, when her father was in seminary. They were completely broke, literally down to cans of beans for dinner. Her mother looking into the cabinet seeing that there were only cans of beans to eat, just fell apart. Both of her parents were pretty frustrated by their financial situation, but knew that God's call for their life at that time required them to struggle financially. So, her dad asked her mom how much money they would need to for meals and for some other necessities for a certain amount of time. Her mom just said $500.00 as a roundabout figure. The next day the dad went to his school mail and found a money order for $500.00 sitting in there. Out of the blue, no real reason for it.

Then the author tells another story about her and her husband. She was having one of those mornings where she didn't wake up in time to do anything, they didn't have the food they needed for her to fix her children breakfast, she was late for all her appointments that day, and when she and her children finally returned home, she put the kids to bed and sent herself to her own room. As she walked in she found flowers and a note that said, "Just Because", from her husband. She called it "a little refreshment, just in the nick of time." She paralleled it to what God does for us in tough times.

Having that conversation with my mother and then immediately reading that in the book, led me to reflect on God's provision for my life. Of course, I remembered God's most recent financial provision, when my entire round trip to the states and back for my Grandmother's funeral was paid for by friends and family in Korea and at home. I also remembered the time when my trip home for Christmas was paid for by an unknown (well I think I know...) source. I remembered how God provided for me when my Grandfather died through people here at my church and school. Those are examples of huge provision, but in reality God gives and provides daily. Sometimes it's financial, sometimes it's a friend just at the right time, sometimes it's a note of encouragement from someone, sometimes it's that verse that you've read over and over that just seems to stand out to you, sometimes it's more painful like discipline or conviction over sin.

No matter the way, God is the god who provides. He does not let His children live in need. Sometimes we might think we are in need, but in reality He is giving what is best.

This past weekend I led a retreat, along with several other friends/coworkers for 19 of our high school girls. That's almost half of our girls, so that's pretty exciting that we had that many. Our theme this year was Focus: What are we focused on? What should we be focused on? How can we change our focus? This theme provided by God is actually a theme that God has been using in my life since school started this year. Originally, I thought a focus change was just to make it through a tough school year, in reality the focus change needs to be a permanent change. I have already reaped some benefits from this change - a closer walk with God, strength through very difficult circumstances, direction for the future (retreat planning), and reminder that my life is only temporary everything that I do should be to bring glory to His name.

I feel like that is where I am at now. The retreat was amazing. God brought all of our messages, songs, and games together in a way that not only brought glory to Him, but also provided an opportunity for one girl to receive God's gift of salvation, which of course is provision for eternal life with God. The other 18 girls prayed to make changes in their focus. What an amazing God I serve, I am so thankful for the ways in which He provides for mine and all other believers needs. I am so grateful to be a part of His work. How amazing that He can use someone like me to serve Him.

1 comment:

notes on the journey said...

when i read your blogs, it makes me glad that i know you. sounds weird, but they always hit me where i am. ya know. thanks for sharing and thanks for being the Kristen that God made you to be. You are a blessing and you are being used in so many ways. Keep filling your life with Him and "stay focussed"
